Total Care solution 120 ml

98% recommends
In stock
This solution is exclusively intended for the care of hard contact lenses.
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Properties - Total Care solution 120 ml

Manufacturer: Amo
Expiration: 12 months and more
Volume: 120 ml
Usability after opening: 2 months
Preservatives: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


42 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (4)

Do you have any questions

Hello could you please tell me the expiry date on the blink totalcare 120mls please thanks


Dear Helen,

Please note the expiration date for this product is 16 months and more, once this time period is up the bottle of solution has to be discarded. The exact expiration date you can find on the package and the bottle itself.

Your Alensa-Team


Can I use this as a wetting solution to put them in my eyes ? If not then what can I use instead . I really need a wetting solution


Hi Carol. This solution is for care and storage of hard or RGP contact lenses only. Queen's Saline rinsing solution is designed specifically for wetting/rinsing all types of contact lenses:…ution-100-ml Thanks, Alensa

Shirley Adams

Is this safe.. Bausch and Lomb and Boots have withdrawn all of theirs ..let’s hear from you Johnson and Johnson Surgical vision ..Dublin and South Africa


Hi Shirley. Our back office is aware of this recall, and any affected batch numbers will not be distributed. However, this product is not part of the recall. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our customer service department at Thanks, Alensa

Janet Morgan

How viscous is this product. I wear gas permeable toric varifocals lenses as I have a severe astigmatism as well as being long sited. I have used Boots Total solution - which is very thin,, almost watery consistency - for years but this is now being replaced by Boots Advanced. Which is far more viscous. I cannot use Boston as this is simply too thick and distorts the prescription Do you have any idea how viscous/thick your solution is, compared to either of these products? Do hope you can help! Regards, Janet


Hi Janet. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of this product has not provided any information in regards to its viscosity. If you continue to experience difficulty finding a suitable alternative to the 'Boots Total Solution,' we would recommend consulting your optician. Thanks, Alensa