LAIM premium Eye Spray 15 ml

97% recommends
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Properties - LAIM premium Eye Spray 15 ml

Manufacturer: Schalcon
Volume: 15 ml
Usability after opening: 6 months
Contains Sodium hyaluronate: Yes
Preservatives: Yes
Can be used with contact lenses: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


175 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (10)

Do you have any questions

Hi. Does this help moisturize dry eyelids as well.


Hi Bobby. It may, as this product contains sodium hyaluronate, a naturally occurring moisturizer, as well as chamomile. However, the primary purpose is to soothe the eyes themselves. Thanks, Alensa


Hello, can you tell me does this contain any preservatives at all? Also what is the full ingredient list please? Many thanks, Matthew.


Hi, Matthew, Yes, this eye-spray does contain preservatives. For the full list of ingredients, we would have to contact the manufacturer. Please rest assured, however, that we've been guaranteed by the manufacturer that this product is of the highest standards of safety.

Thanks, Alensa

Sonia Fischer

Really refreshing. When my eyes are feeling tired and dry, i use this eye spray and I my eyes feel energised.

Christine Melton

Can you recommend this eye spray for dry eyes? I have chronic dryness and it's such a hassle to apply drops constantly. Thanks.


Hello Christine, Laim is an excellent dry eye eyelid spray. We love it because you don't need a mirror to apply it, and your eye makeup stays intact. And, of course, it does provide great relief from dry eyes in a variety of conditions.


Very pleasant to use. Easier and less messy than regular eye drops.


Great spray for dry eyes. Really helpful at work.


Really refreshing, and keeps my eyes from becoming too tired when I'm on the computer.


1000x better than drops. Really great product; works just as well as drops, but without the mess.


Miracle product! My makeup stayed intact, too.


I never knew it could be so cool to use a spray instead of drops. It saves time as well:)