*Your selected parameters are currently not in stock. We cannot guarantee a constant availability of all parameters. Therefore, we’d like to offer you alternative products with identical parameters, immediately available for shipping. However, please keep in mind that these suggestions are different products, made from possibly different materials, and may not offer the same level of comfort.
ColourVUE Crazy Lens - Barbie Pink - plano (2 lenses)
Non-dioptric coloured lenses
are contacts that won't correct your vision. They are used solely for cosmetic
purposes. For anyone who wishes to buy cosmetic lenses like these, it's
advisable for your eyes to be measured for a "plano" prescription, meaning one
with zero vision correction. A professional measurement beforehand will also
tell you which lenses should comfortably fit you, and which lenses won't.
How to Take Care of Daily Colored Contact Lenses?
You don't have to
worry about this question with daily colored contact lenses. Daily contact
lenses, in general, do not require any care. After opening the blister, you put
on the lenses, and after removing them from your eyes, you simply
dispose of them. Lenses are not intended for overnight
About ColourVUE Crazy Lens
Crazy lenses
are coloured contact lenses. These coloured lenses are specifically designed to
cover your natural eye colour with unique, popular, and fantastical patterns.
These lenses are ideal for costumes, cosplay, and events like Halloween. They
are produced with a variety of replacement schedules but, with proper care,
usually last quite long. Crazy lenses are definitely the best choice to put the
finishing touches on an amazing look.