Proclear Multifocal (3 lenses)

91% recommends
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Add to order £7.89 £6.39
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Properties - Proclear Multifocal (3 lenses)

Manufacturer: CooperVision
BC: 8.70
DIA: 14.40
Pack size: 3 lenses
Add power: +1.00 D, +1.00 N, +1.50 D, +1.50 N, +2.00 D, +2.00 N, +2.50 D, +2.50 N
Expiration: 12 months and more
Replacement schedule: 30 Days
Oxygen permeability: 42 Dk/t
Water content: 62%
Power range: from -8.00 to +6.00
Extended or overnight wear: No
UV filter: No
Lenses Material: Omafilcon B
Product name: Proclear Multifocal
Medical Device: Yes


183 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (8)

Do you have any questions

Can proclear multifocal help with astigmatisms

Answer -


Please contact our customer service at, so we can assist you further. Thank you!


Do you offer a trial pair along with the order? I'd like to try the proclear but the last multifocal I used didn't work, so I wanna make sure I can return the lenses unopened in case they don't work. Thanks

Answer -

Hi, Leni, As we are not licensed optometrists, we are unable to send trial lenses or samples. However, we recommend trying TopVue, which comes with a Money-Back Guarantee:…arantee.html

Thanks, Alensa


Hi. Please advise what the "D" and "N" mean on the Add power option of the Proclear Multifocal lenses.

Answer -

Hi, Lai, "D" and "N" refer to your dominant and non-dominant eye. Whichever power goes for which eye is important and should be marked on your prescription.

Thanks, Alensa

Justyna Foote

Definitely one of the better multifocal lenses i've used. The price is a big plus too.

Amanda Suthers

Hi I have previously ordered air optix with add power of 1. I would like to try ptoclear but not sure which add power to choose... can you help as these have different options to the brand I have previously purchased. Thank you

Answer -


We advise that you select the attributes from your latest prescription and if you cannot find these to speak with your optician before selecting anything different from prescribed.


Hi, do you offer anything like Proclear multifocal daily lenses? My optician prescribed proclear, but I'd like to make the switch to daily lenses if possible. Thanks.

Answer -

Hi Risha, Yes, we offer Proclear 1 Day multifocal lenses in packs of 30 lenses. You can read more about them here:…al-30-lenses


Great lenses and the lowest price around.


Excellent product, very comfortable to wear. Quick and efficient service. Well done!!!