Hyabak Eye Drops 10 ml

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Properties - Hyabak Eye Drops 10 ml

Manufacturer: Thea
Volume: 10 ml
Usability after opening: 6 months
Preservatives: No
Can be used with contact lenses: Yes
Medical Device: Yes
Contains Sodium hyaluronate: Yes


127 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (11)

Do you have any questions

Do these drop contain steroids ?

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk


Please contact our customer service at info@alensa.co.uk, so we can assist you further. Thank you!

Andy brown

Hi, My 13 year old daughter has just got this product from our optician. She has just noticed that the packaging says it’s for adults only… Is she still ok to use this??

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk


Please contact our customer service at info@alensa.co.uk, so we can assist you further. Thank you!


Is it preservative free?

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Dear Customer,

We would like to bring the following to your attention.

HYABAK is preservative-free and phosphate-free. HYABAK does NOT contain preservatives which can be irritating for the eyes. HYABAK is supplied in the innovative ABAK bottle. This is easy-to-use and allows for a preservative-free solution until the last drop.

Thank you and good day, yours truly the Alensa Team.


Hi there, What is the expire date for these batch.(Hyabak eye drops 10 ml 0.15%) Many thanks

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Hi Aziz. Please contact our customer service department at info@alensa.co.uk. Thanks, Alensa

Keith Reardon

Hi my previous purchases were £7.89 each . Hyabak Eye Drops 10ml Please advise

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Hi Keith. Your previous orders were all placed through 'Google Shopping.' You may be able to find the same price you paid last time by googling 'Hyabak Eye Drops.' If you require further assistance, please contact our customer service department at info@alensa.co.uk. Thanks, Alensa

Brian R Lewis

where is the 20% sale

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Hi Brian. Please contact our customer service department at info@alensa.co.uk. Thanks, Alensa

Dennis Kelly

I don't wear contact lenses, but bought this and didn't realise it is for contact lens wearers, however! I use it a couple of times, is it safe to continue using it as I do not wear contact lenses?

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Hi Dennis. These drops are perfectly safe for use regardless of whether or not you wear contact lenses. Thanks, Alensa


Are these drops oil based?

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

HI, Lin, These drops are not oil-based.



What are the drops used for Please

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk


These drops are for in case your eye malfunctions, and you do not want to get new ones.


Pamela Venner

I ordered 2x hyabak. 05% 10 ml. but I have not had a confirmation email re my order.

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Hi, Pamela, Please contact our customer service department at info@alensa.co.uk.

Thanks, Alensa


How many drops are there in a bottle?

Answer - info@alensa.co.uk

Hi, Lee, There are 300 drops in this bottle.

Thanks, Alensa