Biotrue ONEday (90 lenses)

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Properties - Biotrue ONEday (90 lenses)

Manufacturer: Bausch and Lomb
BC: 8.60
DIA: 14.20
Pack size: 90 lenses
Replacement schedule: 1 Day
Expiration: 12 months and more
Oxygen permeability: 42 Dk/t
Water content: 78%
Product name: Biotrue ONEday
Power range: from -9.00 to +6.50
Lenses Material: Nesofilcon A
Extended or overnight wear: No
UV filter: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


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Comments (3)

Do you have any questions
hanna nguyen


Maz Sterry

I'm confused as to what BC & DIA are. My prescription doesnt refer to these abbreviations. It shows Sph, Cyl and Axis with similar readings for both eyes although the strength of my contact lens varies for each eye. Additionally, the axis numbers are vastly different for each eye. Currently, my contacts lens are +4.75 and +2.50 I would welcome any advice please

Answer -

Hi, Maz, BC and DIA mean base curve and diameter, respectively. These values are not so much indicative of your prescription and are more for which brand will be the best fit for your eye. Base curve is the radius of the back of your lens (i.e. how far your lens protrudes), and diameter is the area of your cornea your lens encompasses and is contingent upon the size of your eye. If you do not know, you should be fitted for lenses by your optometrist.

Thanks, Alensa


Do you have these lenses and do they work as multi focal?

Answer -

Hi, Stanley, If you would like multifocal lenses, please check this version of the same product:…ia-90-lenses

Thanks, Alensa