Acuvue Advance PLUS (6 lenses)

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Properties - Acuvue Advance PLUS (6 lenses)

Manufacturer: Johnson and Johnson
BC: 8.70, 8.30
DIA: 14.00
Pack size: 6 lenses
Expiration: 12 months and more
Replacement schedule: 14 Days
Water content: 47%
Oxygen permeability: 62 Dk/t
Product name: Acuvue Advance Plus
Power range: from -12.00 to +8.00
Lenses Material: Galyfilcon A
Extended or overnight wear: No
UV filter: Yes


73 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (8)

Do you have any questions
Hazel Docherty

Been using bi-weekly lenses as I felt monthly lenses weren’t best suited to me. Decided to switch to these and they have been great. Unbelievably comfortable although I have to be careful when putting them in as they are a little tricky to handle.

simon bowery

Hi - are acuvue advance plus being discontinued? you still have stock?


Hello there, Simon. No worries, Acuvue Advance Plus is still in production, and we're well-stocked. These lenses' predecessor, Acuvue Advance has been discontinued and as not only available for astigmatism.…ism-6-lenses

Dana Lewis-Black

Is there any version of acuvue advance plus dailies contacts? I'm happy with these, but heard they might be discontinued and also wanted to try dailies if not too expensive. thanks for the info.


Hi Dana, Acuvue has several versions of excellent daily lenses. The most popular are 1 Day Acuvue Moist (…st-30-lenses) and 1 Day Acuvue TruEye (…ye-30-lenses)

Craig Harris

Hello, I am considering Acuvue Advance plus vs Air Optix. Is one more suitable for dry eyes? I'm on the computer all day and am constantly using drops.


Dear Craig, Acuvue Advance Plus with Hydraclear technology give the lenses a higher water content than the Air Optix Aqua. Both are excellent lenses, but the Acuvue Advance Plus are bi-weekly while the Air Optix are monthly, so you may find the Acuvue to be more comfortable due to their shorter wearing period.


A noticeable improvement over the previous Acuvue Advance. Very pleasant to wear through the whole fortnight


They feel much smoother on the eye than any other lenses. The tint is very helpful for application for someone with my strong prescription, too.

Betsy P.

I can definitely notice a difference between these and the former Acuvue Advance. They feel fresher longer, and I don't notice any difference in my quality of vision at the end of the wearing cycle.


I tried around 5 types of contact lenses so far but these are the best. They are slightly more expensive than other but I don´t mind paying little bit more when it has something to do with my health.